Hydrocolon therapy
Hydrocolon therapy is a method of introducing, through a special device, purified and disinfected lukewarm water or other special solutions in the colon. This liquid, in an amount of about 40-50 liters per treatment blue entire colon, dissolves and washes away all the masses deposited, starting from the beginning of the colon at the turn of the small intestine, ending with impacted, obstipative feces in the lower sections. The process in one session lasts 45 minutes, is completely painless and comfortable, and usually is performed by a doctor or specially trained therapists.
All parts of the system coming into contact with the patient are sterile and disposable. It is necessary to do five consecutive therapy and abundant evacuation occurs, as a rule, in the third therapy, and can be visually monitored via a special screen or through a transparent tube to the taking into drains. The system is fully closed, there is no possibility of pollution or odors. The unit has the ability to self-cleaning and self disinfection, ozonation, the washing liquid, filtration and disinfection fluid, precise control of temperature and pressure, taking samples for laboratory analysis, and many others, primarily in terms of patient safety.
The benefits that can be expected from hydrocolon therapy:
- Feelings of pleasure: Removing mucus, undigested food, gas, bacteria and other biological agents (detoxification process).
- Feelings of lightness: The result of removing the pressure hoses to the surrounding organs.
- Stimulation of intestinal peritoneum. Consequently, reducing obstipation and constipation.
- Abdominal muscle relaxation: as a result of the effects of warm water and massage during the irrigation.
- Parasites ejection: The alternating effect of hot and cold water, the introduction of therapeutic healing solution, extract of garlic, ozone and the like.
- Weight-loss, attenuation: The elimination of mass deposited on the walls of the colon and impacted faeces.
- Increase Abdominal tone
- Mitigation of gynecological problems, cystitis, ovaritis or dysmenorrhea due to the reduced intestinal prolapse.
- Improvement of renal function due to the evacuation of the toxic contents.
- Detoxification and anti aging effect after the elimination of toxic substances, organic toxins and biological agents.
- Reduction of postoperative complications strengthen natural immunity.
- Reduce ailments and disorders of intestinal function after general anesthesia.
- Reduce Mineral deficit
- Prevention Colon diseases (cancer, etc.).
- Prevention Degenerative diseases
Wellmedic owns the installed device in PZU “SC Dunjić”, where it is a demonstration, training and certification of medical personnel who will be working on this device.
You can schedule a therapeutic procedure. Make treatment and see the fantastic effects hydrocolon therapy today!
We guarantee that you will feel great!